Corporate Coretreat Wellbeing Seesions

It’s a fact of life: birds flock, fish school, people ‘’tribe’’ – Dr Ann Hemingway

We envision a tribe of employers who thrive by running people first companies and recognize wellbeing at workplace as essential.

We envision a tribe of leaders and not just managers who are moving from ‘Me’ to ‘We’ and cultivate a work environment where others can be well.

We envision a tribe of employees who weave selfcare into the course of their work day and support their colleagues too.

Our purpose is to contribute to the creation of sustainable companies’ culture which blossom from within.

What can you expect from a Corporate Coretreat Wellbeing Strategy?

  • Boosting employees’ morale, positivity and enthusiasm
  • Reducing stress & anxiety
  • Attracting & retaining top talents
  • Employees’ engagement
  • Reducing absenteeism
  • Reducing business costs
  • Enhancing problem-solving skills
  • Empowering soft skills
  • Increasing productivity
  • Increasing of customers retention

You,as employer, would benefit from Corporate Coretreat Wellbeing strategy if you:

  • Would like to act as a leader, as everything in your life is the reflection of yourself.
  • Desire to understand where you, your team and your company stand now and plan your next steps
  • Are willing to get in touch with your authentic self and accept what is holding you and your team back from achieving your goals
  • Seek to boost your emotional intelligence, become more self-aware, alert and improve your own and your team’s performance
  • Wish to inspire trust, cooperation and collaboration among your team members.
  • Would like to connect in depth with the members of your team and help them to build rapport with their colleagues, clients and potential customers.
  • Would like to improve your communication skills and use more effective communication techniques

Moving from ‘Surviving’ to ‘Thriving’, in changing times, with our corporate wellbeing programs.

My corporate team sessions are unique, as your company. I come to your workplace so as to get the real feeling of your company’s culture, I work on one-to-one basis with each member of your team and together we work towards specific goals and needs. Each individual start believing in his/her abilities, develop laser-focused mindset and become more creative and productive.