Yoga is traditionally the science of Self. Through various practices including asanas, meditation and breathing techniques, Yoga seeks to lead us to our self – awareness.

For many people, especially in the Western modern world, Yoga is a kind of exercise and it is well known for its postures and poses. However, fitness is not really the primary goal of this philosophy and asana (physical practice) is just one of the many Yoga tools used for healing the individual.

In essence, all Yoga tools including asanas, conscious breathing, meditation, lifestyle and diet changes, visualization and the use of sound are used from practitioners and followers for their self-realization.

Thus, under this philosophical framework, Yoga is the path of inner awareness and enlightenment.

Nowadays, this ancient practice has become increasingly popular in our busy societies and provides a retreat from our chaotic lives. There are many types of Yoga with Hatha Yoga (a combination of many styles) to be the most popular. It is about a physical type of yoga which stimulates inner peace and physical energy rather than a still, meditative form.

The goal during hatha yoga practice is to challenge yourself physically, but not to overcome your limits. The focus is on your breath while your mind is accepting your physical and mental limits. In this way, practitioners learn to respect and accept themselves at the present moment. It is not just about physical appearance, it is not about our mirror. It is the development of the mind’s and body’s strengths by developing our breath.

Awareness, acceptance and respect of ourselves are some of the benefits of Yoga practice. Practicing yoga cultivates also the adoption of healthier habits such as mindful eating, satisfaction of our body and less criticism on it as well as a sense of community.

For us, Yoga is the ground from which we cultivate goodness and generosity.